Friday, January 26, 2007

Chumps at NWF

A response to the folks at the Inconvenient Truth blog at the World Wildlife Fund site.

Sorry, friends, but what a bunch of chumps. More Kool Aid, anyone?

News you can use: Lots of money, including multinational corporate money, is wrapped up in making you think we can do a lot about global warming. Why? So they can sell us stuff.

Who do you think is going to sell you all those special lightbulbs? Do the research and build the plants to produce alternate fuels? And millions of dollars are at stake in government grants, all to study global warming. Even the NWF website is part of the hype. It's an industry, folks.

GW is real, apparently, but the truth is we can't do much about it because we haven't caused that much of it. 10-20%, maybe.

The good news is, it won't be as bad as the hype. Even the new IPCC makes that much clear. Sorry, Al and company, catastrophe isn't likely. In the short run, all we can really do is figure out how to adapt. Living near the shore of a small Pacific island? Move inland or to the mainland.

For the rest of us, we'll need to work on these serious problems: What will we do with all that heating oil we won't need to heat our homes anymore? What will we do with all the newly productive farm land and longer growing seasons? What will we do with all the super cheap oil that will suddenly become available when demand drops? What will we do with the millions of impoverished Middle Eastern migrants leaving a region now even less inhabitable and even less viable economically, now that the world has turned away from its principal resource?

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